The need to create or find an organized environment.
Choose motive:
You feel comfortable when your environment is organized. Clarity and clear structures are important conditions to enhance your performance. Disorder will cause you discomfort and the need to clean up. You just can’t concentrate in a messy office. You might equate being organized to being competent, efficient and effective which will lead to success.
You like a reasonably organized environment with several things in reach. You like it when things have their dedicated place but likely allow a small amount of mess not bother you. You prefer reliable processes and structured procedures. Structure gives you a sense of peace which puts you in a more relaxed state. You will likely be prepared for the unexpected.
You believe in "creative chaos" and being relaxed in your environment. You think a tidy office means nobody is working there. As long as you know where to find something, you don’t need any established organizational structures. The more relaxed you are, the more fun you might have and the better you are at everything. You consider too many rules as a constriction.
Learn more about the MotivationFinder™ assessment, or get started by discovering if Structure is your #1 self-motivator today by taking the free assessment.
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